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GAME OF THRONES (apparels)

GAME OF THRONES (apparels)
Joe Van Wetering

*The apparels of Game of Thrones 

Limited edition print, one copy available out of 35

Fine Art Glicée 25cm x 20cm

Eur. 90

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Ryszard Kaja


Limited edition print (350).
Original Polish poster. Year of print: 2014

Size 98 cm x 68 cm.

*Inspired by…
Eur. 130
old BOY
Cour Billadeau

*Old boy
Regia di Park Chan-wook

Opera a tiratura limita. Esemplare 17 su 50.
Serigrafia firmata e numerato a mano dall’Artista.
Formato 61cm x 41 cm.

Eur. 140
*Ispirato a..

Nicolas Delort – “The Mummy”
Screen print edition
Edizione a tiratura Limitata (esemplare numero 64/125)
Numerata a manotri.

dal vivo o digitalmente i sogni privati e le emozioni più intime degli artisti “rapiti” dalla Settima Arte diventeranno le nostre narrazioni, sfide impossibili percorsi inediti e sorprendenti che ibridano le arti, dando vita a nuove suggestioni.
Il terzo uomo
by La Boca
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25 November 2023
Alternative movie poster Nightmare Before Christmas | Tim Burton | Jeff Kepler | Soggettiva Gallery Milano

Soggettiva Gallery presents from Friday, December 1, 2023 the new exhibition:

with alternative movie posters inspired by Christmas and augmented reality works regarding Diabolik by Cristina Stifanic

The exhibition brings together the films that the public most loves to see and re-watch during the Christmas holidays: from the Harry Potter saga to “Frankenstein Junior”, from “Ghostbuster” to the recent media phenomenon represented by Greta Geerwig’s “Barbie”, from “The Wizard of Oz” to “Home Alone”.

In addition, some “anthological” posters dedicated to icons such as Supermario, the films of the 80s and 90s and the Advent Calendar, as well as works in augmented reality that Cristina Stifanic dedicates to Diabolik, the timeless comic thief created by the Giussani sisters.

From Friday 1st December 2023 


The exhibition … BEFORE CHRISTMAS,  from December 1st, presents a series of works inspired by the typical Christmas movies, from the magic of the “Harry Potter” films, represented by Ape Meets Girl, to the supernatural “Ghostbusters” reinterpreted by Max Dalton, as well as a holiday classic like “Mom I missed the plane” or a Christmas institution like the Advent Calendar, reworked in the form of Alternative Movie Poster.


For those born in the 1990s, the Harry Potter film saga, inspired by J.K. Rowling’s novels, represented love “at first sight”. The adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione have marked an entire generation, poised between magic and ordinariness.


Two films starring Bill Murray such as “Ghostbusters” and “Groundhog Day” can not go missing in a hypothetical playlist of movies to be reviewed when the first lights of Christmas appear on the street. What film would you be willing to watch endlessly if your day repeated itself all over again in a continuous cycle like in the Harold Ramis film? 


YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN is the most famous film by Mel Brooks. Entered by right into the collective memory, also and especially for his flashing jokes and for the character of the hunchback assistant Igor, played by a sublime Marty Feldman, the film is a reinterpretation of classic horror, and its hidden meaning in the staging of the deformed, the different. The posters of Conor Langton and Cranio Dsgn pay homage to this classic: what better Christmas gift?


To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the birth of Eva Kant, as well as the release of “Diabolik Who Are You?”, the third and final chapter of the cinematographic saga directed by Manetti Bros, Cristina Stifanic exhibits at Soggettiva Gallery some works dedicated to the famous comic thief created by the Giussani sisters.

Two of these, the portrait of Lady Kant and “Back to Paradise”, present an absolute novelty: augmented reality, which mixes two universes, ours and the virtual one, to create unique, innovative and multisensory experiences.



Via Pasquale Sottocorno 5/A, 20122 Milano

3357722437 – 3458463222 

OPENING HOURS: Tuesday / Friday  10 – 20.30
Saturday and Sunday 10-13.30 e 16-19.30

Foto alternative movie poster del film Ghostbuster (Stay Puft) | Max Dalton | Ivan Reitman | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster Se questa è la loro idea del Natale... | Xander Lee | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster de Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco | Mike Newell | Ape Meets Girl | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster di Diabolik | Cristina Stifanic | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster di Ricomincio da capo | Chris McGuire | Soggettiva Gallery
Foto alternative movie poster de Frankenstein Junior | Mel Brooks | Cranio Dsgn | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster del film Ghostbuster (Stay Puft) | Max Dalton | Ivan Reitman | Soggettiva Gallery Milano

The exhibition brings together the films that the public most loves to see and re-watch during the Christmas holidays: from the Harry Potter saga to “Frankenstein Junior”, from “Ghostbuster” to the recent media phenomenon represented by Greta Geerwig’s “Barbie”, from “The Wizard of Oz” to “Home Alone”.

In addition, some “anthological” posters dedicated to icons such as Supermario, the films of the 80s and 90s and the Advent Calendar, as well as works in augmented reality that Cristina Stifanic dedicates to Diabolik, the timeless comic thief created by the Giussani sisters.

Foto alternative movie poster Se questa è la loro idea del Natale... | Xander Lee | Soggettiva Gallery Milano

From Friday 1st December 2023 


The exhibition … BEFORE CHRISTMAS,  from December 1st, presents a series of works inspired by the typical Christmas movies, from the magic of the “Harry Potter” films, represented by Ape Meets Girl, to the supernatural “Ghostbusters” reinterpreted by Max Dalton, as well as a holiday classic like “Mom I missed the plane” or a Christmas institution like the Advent Calendar, reworked in the form of Alternative Movie Poster.

Foto alternative movie poster de Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco | Mike Newell | Ape Meets Girl | Soggettiva Gallery Milano


For those born in the 1990s, the Harry Potter film saga, inspired by J.K. Rowling’s novels, represented love “at first sight”. The adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione have marked an entire generation, poised between magic and ordinariness.

Foto alternative movie poster di Ricomincio da capo | Chris McGuire | Soggettiva Gallery


Two films starring Bill Murray such as “Ghostbusters” and “Groundhog Day” can not go missing in a hypothetical playlist of movies to be reviewed when the first lights of Christmas appear on the street. What film would you be willing to watch endlessly if your day repeated itself all over again in a continuous cycle like in the Harold Ramis film? 

Foto alternative movie poster de Frankenstein Junior | Mel Brooks | Cranio Dsgn | Soggettiva Gallery Milano


YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN is the most famous film by Mel Brooks. Entered by right into the collective memory, also and especially for his flashing jokes and for the character of the hunchback assistant Igor, played by a sublime Marty Feldman, the film is a reinterpretation of classic horror, and its hidden meaning in the staging of the deformed, the different. The posters of Conor Langton and Cranio Dsgn pay homage to this classic: what better Christmas gift?

Foto alternative movie poster di Diabolik | Cristina Stifanic | Soggettiva Gallery Milano


To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the birth of Eva Kant, as well as the release of “Diabolik Who Are You?”, the third and final chapter of the cinematographic saga directed by Manetti Bros, Cristina Stifanic exhibits at Soggettiva Gallery some works dedicated to the famous comic thief created by the Giussani sisters.

Two of these, the portrait of Lady Kant and “Back to Paradise”, present an absolute novelty: augmented reality, which mixes two universes, ours and the virtual one, to create unique, innovative and multisensory experiences.



Via Pasquale Sottocorno 5/A, 20122 Milano

3357722437 – 3458463222 

OPENING HOURS: Tuesday / Friday  10 – 20.30
Saturday and Sunday 10-13.30 e 16-19.30

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Duel (Polish)

DUEL (Polish)
Krysztof Novak

*Duel (Polish) 
Directed by Steven Spielberg

Limited edition screen print. Original Polish poster. Year of print: 215

Size 98 cm x 68 cm.

*Inspired by…

Novak lives in the south of Poland, works as a graphic designer in one of the largest Polish agencies, for which he draws and makes illustrations. He’s working on a comic called Future Darko. It will be a science fiction comic about two brothers living in a post-apocalyptic world hybridized with cyberpunk.

Eur. 100
old BOY
Cour Billadeau

*Old boy
Regia di Park Chan-wook

Opera a tiratura limita. Esemplare 17 su 50.
Serigrafia firmata e numerato a mano dall’Artista.
Formato 61cm x 41 cm.

Eur. 140
*Ispirato a..

Nicolas Delort – “The Mummy”
Screen print edition
Edizione a tiratura Limitata (esemplare numero 64/125)
Numerata a manotri.

dal vivo o digitalmente i sogni privati e le emozioni più intime degli artisti “rapiti” dalla Settima Arte diventeranno le nostre narrazioni, sfide impossibili percorsi inediti e sorprendenti che ibridano le arti, dando vita a nuove suggestioni.
Il terzo uomo
by La Boca
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Fight Club (Polish)

Michal Ksiazek

*Fight Club (Polish) 
Directed by David Fincher

Limited edition screen print.
Original Polish poster. Year of print: 2009

Size 98 cm x 68 cm.

*Inspired by…
Michal Ksiazek (born 1977) works and lives in Poland as an illustrator. In the grey reality of post-war Poland, unusual posters appeared in the streets under reconstruction. They were rich in artistic expressions, symbols and metaphors, unusual shapes and colors
Eur. 120
old BOY
Cour Billadeau

*Old boy
Regia di Park Chan-wook

Opera a tiratura limita. Esemplare 17 su 50.
Serigrafia firmata e numerato a mano dall’Artista.
Formato 61cm x 41 cm.

Eur. 140
*Ispirato a..

Nicolas Delort – “The Mummy”
Screen print edition
Edizione a tiratura Limitata (esemplare numero 64/125)
Numerata a manotri.

dal vivo o digitalmente i sogni privati e le emozioni più intime degli artisti “rapiti” dalla Settima Arte diventeranno le nostre narrazioni, sfide impossibili percorsi inediti e sorprendenti che ibridano le arti, dando vita a nuove suggestioni.
Il terzo uomo
by La Boca
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Nathan Chesshir è un artista freelance, grafico e animatore di Los Angeles, California. Collabora con i principali editori negli USA

Nathan Chesshir is a freelance artist, graphic designer, and animator from Los Angeles, California. He works with main editors in USA


Ryszard Kaja (Poznan, 1962) è un pittore, artista, scenografo e costumista polacco. Ha studiato all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Poznan nel 1984 e si è laureato in pittura con Norbert Skupniewicz. Ryszard Kaja è considerato uno dei più prolifici designer di poster contemporanei della Polonia. Seguendo la tradizione di suo padre Zbigniew Kaja, artista e membro dell’acclamata “Polish Poster School”, Kaja dipinge i suoi poster usando tecniche miste: penna, matita, inchiostro, fondi di caffè, tè, cenere. Ha prestato servizio come giurato per molte biennali di poster. Ryszard vive a Breslavia.

Ryszard Kaja (Poznan, 1962) is a Polish painter, artist, stage and costume designer. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan in 1984 and graduated in painting under Norbert Skupniewicz. Ryszard Kaja is considered one of the most prolific contemporary poster designers in Poland. Following the tradition of his father Zbigniew Kaja, an artist and member of the acclaimed “Polish Poster School”, Kaja paints his posters using mixed media: pen, pencil, ink, coffee grounds, tea, ash. He has served as a juror for many poster biennials. Ryszard lives in Wroclaw.


Prima di passare al cinema, Chris ha lavorato come illustratore, esponendo spesso nelle rinomate gallerie d’arte della cultura pop di Los Angeles “Hero Complex Gallery” e “Gallery 1988”, producendo opere d’arte ufficiali per 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Joe Dante e Roger Corman. Successivamente ha lavorato come assistente del dipartimento artistico per clienti come Virgin Media, Now TV, Little Mix e Jamie T. Il suo primo cortometraggio “Nest” è stato semifinalista al “Berlin Student Film Festival”, dove è stato nominato per il Premio della Giuria. 

Before moving on to film, Chris worked as an illustrator, often exhibiting in the renowned Los Angeles pop culture art galleries “Hero Complex Gallery” and “Gallery 1988”, producing official artwork for 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Joe Dante and Roger Corman. He later worked as an assistant in the art department for clients such as Virgin Media, Now TV, Little Mix and Jamie T. His first short film “Nest” was a semifinalist at the “Berlin Student Film Festival”, where he was nominated for the Jury Prize.


Da ragazzo Steven era un fan dei fumetti. Ha iniziato prendendo lezioni di illustrazione del fumetto presso la Heron Art School di Indianapolis. Fu solo al college presso la School Of The Art Institute di Chicago che scoprì il suo amore per la serigrafia. Ha disegnato di tutto, dalla fan art, alle stampe dei film con licenza ufficiale, ai poster per i concerti.  Il suo lavoro è stato esposto in diverse mostre collettive dedicate a vari temi cinematografici.

As a boy Steven was a fan of comics. He started by taking comic illustration classes at the Heron Art School in Indianapolis. It was only in college at the School Of The Art Institute in Chicago that he discovered his love for screen printing. He’s drawn everything from fan art, to prints of officially licensed films, to concert posters. His work has been exhibited in several collective exhibitions dedicated to various film topics. 


Max Dalton, illustratore, pittore e musicista e scrittore occasionale. Crea spesso illustrazioni per poster, libri, riviste, giornali, pubblicità e prodotti.Ha partecipato a molte mostre collettive e personali a New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Arizona, Parigi, Seoul e altro ancora. Il suo lavoro è apparso in molte riviste come The New Yorker, Monocle e O, The Oprah Magazine.

Max Dalton is an illustrator, painter, musician and writer. He often designs for posters, books, magazines, newspapers, advertisements and products. He has participated in many group and solo shows in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Paris, Seoul and elsewhere. His work has appeared in magazines such as The New Yorker, Monocle and O, The Oprah Magazine.


Olivier Courbet è un creativo multidisciplinare francese con sede a Los Angeles, California. Lavora con marchi, agenzie, studi cinematografici e startup di tutto il mondo tra cui Dreamworks, Paramount, Disney, Mattel, Will.I.AM e NBA. Ha vinto numerosi premi e il suo lavoro è stato descritto in vari libri e pubblicazioni di design tra cui Computer Arts, Logology, SXSW.

Olivier Courbet is a multidisciplinary French creative artist based in Los Angeles, California. He works with brands, agencies, film studios and start-ups around the world including Dreamworks, Paramount, Disney, Mattel, Will.I.AM and NBA. He has won numerous awards and his work has been featured in various books and design publications including Computer Arts, Logology, SXSW.


Nan Lawson è un’artista e illustratrice con sede a Los Angeles. Si è laureata in regia cinematografica alla Syracuse University, ma dopo la laurea ha perseguito la sua passione per l’illustrazione. Ora ha unito il suo amore per il cinema e l’arte per dedicarsi alla cultura pop e alla locandina. Lavora nell’editoria e nell’industria dell’intrattenimento; crea libri illustrati e copertine di libri, oltre a opere d’arte e manifesti per film e televisione.

Ha lavorato con clienti tra cui Harper Collins, Audible, Random House, Hachette, Amblin Entertainment e Warner Bros.