Logo di Soggettiva Gallery | Galleria d’arte cinematografica di Milano
the idiots (Polish)
Wieslaw Walkuski

*The Idiots (Idioterne)
Directed by Lars Von Trier

Limited edition screen print.
Original Polish poster. Year of print: 1999

Size 98 cm x 68 cm.

*Inspired by…
Wieslaw Walkuski, born in 1956, studied painting and graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. During the 1980s he worked as an illustrator for publishing houses, theatres and film distributors. Since 1987, as an independent artist, he has been making art posters, illustrations and paintings. He has published over 250 posters and is considered one of the greatest contemporary art poster artists in the world
Eur. 125
old BOY
Cour Billadeau

*Old boy
Regia di Park Chan-wook

Opera a tiratura limita. Esemplare 17 su 50.
Serigrafia firmata e numerato a mano dall’Artista.
Formato 61cm x 41 cm.

Eur. 140
*Ispirato a..