Directed by Chris Columbus
Limited edition print, 1 copy available out of 60. Silk-screen
Size 30,5 cm x 61 cm.
*Inspired by…
*Old boy
Regia di Park Chan-wook
Opera a tiratura limita. Esemplare 17 su 50.
Serigrafia firmata e numerato a mano dall’Artista.
Formato 61cm x 41 cm.
Nicolas Delort – “The Mummy”
Screen print edition
Edizione a tiratura Limitata (esemplare numero 64/125)
Numerata a manotri.
Mark disegna da quando ne ha ricordo. Ora è artista freelance da circa 10 anni. Ha esordito nella scena punk rock a Londra, creando opere d’arte per diverse band. Ha partecipatvo a concorsi per manifesti cinematografici e da lì è progredito fino a lavorare con svariate gallerie negli ultimi 4 anni, tra cui Bottleneck Gallery, Vice Press Gallery, Moor Art Gallery, Spoke Art Gallery, Hero Complex Gallery, Sideshow Gallery, Zavvi Gallery, Gallery1988, AMP 30×30.
Mark has been drawing for as long as he can remember. He’s been a freelance artist for about 10 years now. He made his debut in the punk rock scene in London, creating artwork for several bands. He has participated in competitions for film posters and from there has progressed to work with several galleries over the past 4 years, including Bottleneck Gallery, Vice Press Gallery, Moor Art Gallery, Spoke Art Gallery, Hero Gallery, Sideshow Gallery, Zavvi Gallery, Gallery1988, AMP 30×30.