*Taxi Driver
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Limited Edition. Copy n.19 of 75.
Serigraphy hand signed and numbered by the artist
Size 91 cm x 61 cm.
Anthony Petrie is an award-winning artist and designer from Palm Springs, California. His portfolio includes work across a wide range of media. Anthony is collaborating with some of the most prestigious brands in the world. His graphic design, illustration and product design ranges from the entertainment, film and TV industries to sports brands and fashion brands.
*Old boy
Regia di Park Chan-wook
Opera a tiratura limita. Esemplare 17 su 50.
Serigrafia firmata e numerato a mano dall’Artista.
Formato 61cm x 41 cm.
Nicolas Delort – “The Mummy”
Screen print edition
Edizione a tiratura Limitata (esemplare numero 64/125)
Numerata a manotri.