10 November 2023
Foto Alternative Movie Poster | Edward Mani di Forbice (VARIANT boule de niege) | Tim BURTON | Veronica Chessa | Soggettiva Gallery

Soggettiva Gallery presents from Saturday 18 November 2023 the new exhibition: TIM BURTON’S NIGHTMARE…

dedicated to alternative movie posters inspired by his films, exactly one year after the opening of the Gallery, in conjunction with the exhibition-event dedicated to the American director at the Museo del Cinema di Torino.

The exhibition celebrates one of the most influential directors of the last 40 years, able to conquer the public with gothic atmospheres populated by abnormal individuals.

TIM BURTON’S NIGHTMARE… is put in dialogue with the exhibition-tribute to Burton in progress at the Museo del Cinema di Torino, already among the most visited shows in 2023.

From Saturday 18 November 2023 


The exhibItion TIM BURTON’S NIGHTMARE… from November 18, exactly one year after the opening of Subjective Gallery, evokes the dark world of Tim Burton in all its nuances thanks to a selection of extraordinary Alternative Movie Posters.


On this occasion, too, Soggettiva Gallery has commissioned several original works: the representation of a cornerstone of the Burtonian poetics such as Edward Scissorhands has been entrusted to the fairy-tale craftsmanship of Veronica Chessa.

Fredlobo Lopez has instead ventured with Batman, whose version directed by Burton and played by Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson is still among the most loved by the fans of the superhero, and with Sweneey Todd, the latter among the best performances offered by Johnny Depp during his long artistic collaboration with Burton.


There is a before and after The Nighmare Before Christmas, although the film was in fact directed by Henry Selick: Burton gives life to a jewel of stop-motion animation that completely overturns the traditional Christmas imagery with a story where skeletons and ghosts show more vitality than many living beings, like in Mark Bell’s poster. Simone Macciocchi has further honored the film with a series of unique works, including “scratches” on black paper and fabric collage on cardboard.


Max Dalton, on the other hand, was inspired by The Chocolate Factory, based on the novel by Roald Dahl, which Burton was able to transpose into his own sinister and very personal imagination. Rupesco also pays tribute to the film with a work that plays on the reflections coming from the famous glasses of Willy Wonka. From the story has been drawn a new film chapter: one more reason to appreciate the film by Burton and its poster.


Max Dalton also proposes his version of Mars Attacks!: inspired by the science fiction of the ’50s, Burton revisits the classic scheme of alien invasion according to his own rules : extraterrestrials, made in computer graphics, are carriers of a scathing satire on the power lust of the United States.


Starting point of Tim Burton’s poetics, Beetlejuice “is a delightful goth comedy that overturns the classic stereotype of horror films. The artisanal special effects and the soundtrack contribute to perfectly render a horror and psychedelic atmosphere that pays tribute to the suggestions of surrealism” Longtake.it. How not to appreciate the cloud represented by Chris Brake from which emerge the various ghosts and monsters that populate the film?


Sometimes looking at Tim Burton one may doubt that he was raised by the Addams Family: seriously, the famous team created by the mind of Charles Addams presents several points of contact with the imagination of the American director: it is no coincidence that Burton is among the creators of the series Wednesday, focused on the figure of Wednesday Addams: Duke Duel offers us his reinterpretation of the character played by Jenna Ortega.



Via Pasquale Sottocorno 5/A, 20122 Milano

3357722437 – 3458463222



Opening hours:

from Tuesday to Friday 10 – 20.30
Saturday and Sunday 10-13.30 e 16-19.30

Foto alternative movie poster | Batman (canvas) | Fred Lobo Lopez | Tim Burton | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Alternative movie poster NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (Pumpkin) Mark Bell | Tim Burton | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster | Sweeney Todd | Fred Lobo Lopez | Scorsese | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto di Alternative movie poster del film Willy Wonka e la fabbrica del cioccolato | Max Dalton | Soggettava Gallery
Alternative movie poster Mars Attacks! | Tim Burton | Max Dalton | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster del film Beetlejuice regia di Tim Burton | Chris Brake | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster della serie Mercoledì di Tim Burton | Duke Duel | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Soggettiva gallery | Simone Macciocchi | Nightmare Before Christmas 1
Alternative movie poster I misteri di Sleepy Hollow | Tim Burton | Chris Koehler | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Alternative movie poster Catwoman (Profile) | Tim Burton | Tomasz Majewski | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster del film Alice nel paese delle meraviglie | Leszek Wisniewski | Tim Burton | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Foto alternative movie poster | Batman (canvas) | Fred Lobo Lopez | Tim Burton | Soggettiva Gallery Milano

The exhibition celebrates one of the most influential directors of the last 40 years, able to conquer the public with gothic atmospheres populated by abnormal individuals.

TIM BURTON’S NIGHTMARE… is put in dialogue with the exhibition-tribute to Burton in progress at the Museo del Cinema di Torino, already among the most visited shows in 2023.

From Saturday 18 November 2023 


The exhibItion TIM BURTON’S NIGHTMARE… from November 18, exactly one year after the opening of Subjective Gallery, evokes the dark world of Tim Burton in all its nuances thanks to a selection of extraordinary Alternative Movie Posters.

Alternative movie poster NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (Pumpkin) Mark Bell | Tim Burton | Soggettiva Gallery Milano


On this occasion, too, Soggettiva Gallery has commissioned several original works: the representation of a cornerstone of the Burtonian poetics such as Edward Scissorhands has been entrusted to the fairy-tale craftsmanship of Veronica Chessa.

Foto alternative movie poster | Sweeney Todd | Fred Lobo Lopez | Scorsese | Soggettiva Gallery Milano

Fredlobo Lopez has instead ventured with Batman, whose version directed by Burton and played by Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson is still among the most loved by the fans of the superhero, and with Sweneey Todd, the latter among the best performances offered by Johnny Depp during his long artistic collaboration with Burton.

Foto di Alternative movie poster del film Willy Wonka e la fabbrica del cioccolato | Max Dalton | Soggettava Gallery


There is a before and after The Nighmare Before Christmas, although the film was in fact directed by Henry Selick: Burton gives life to a jewel of stop-motion animation that completely overturns the traditional Christmas imagery with a story where skeletons and ghosts show more vitality than many living beings, like in Mark Bell’s poster. Simone Macciocchi has further honored the film with a series of unique works, including “scratches” on black paper and fabric collage on cardboard.

Alternative movie poster Mars Attacks! | Tim Burton | Max Dalton | Soggettiva Gallery Milano


Max Dalton, on the other hand, was inspired by The Chocolate Factory, based on the novel by Roald Dahl, which Burton was able to transpose into his own sinister and very personal imagination while still adhering to the original story. Rupesco also pays tribute to the film with a work that plays on the reflections coming from the famous glasses of Willy Wonka. From the story has been drawn a new film chapter: one more reason to appreciate  the film by Burton and its poster.

Foto alternative movie poster del film Beetlejuice regia di Tim Burton | Chris Brake | Soggettiva Gallery Milano


Max Dalton also proposes his version of Mars Attacks!: inspired by the science fiction of the ’50s, Burton revisits the classic scheme of alien invasion according to his own rules : extraterrestrials, made in computer graphics, are carriers of a scathing satire on the power lust of the United States.

Foto alternative movie poster della serie Mercoledì di Tim Burton | Duke Duel | Soggettiva Gallery Milano
Soggettiva gallery | Simone Macciocchi | Nightmare Before Christmas 1


Starting point of Tim Burton’s poetics, Beetlejuice “is a delightful goth comedy that overturns the classic stereotype of horror films. The artisanal special effects and the soundtrack contribute to perfectly render a horror and psychedelic atmosphere that pays tribute to the suggestions of surrealism” Longtake.it. How not to appreciate the cloud represented by Chris Brake from which emerge the various ghosts and monsters that populate the film?

Alternative movie poster I misteri di Sleepy Hollow | Tim Burton | Chris Koehler | Soggettiva Gallery Milano


Sometimes looking at Tim Burton one may doubt that he was raised by the Addams Family: seriously, the famous team created by the mind of Charles Addams presents several points of contact with the imagination of the American director: it is no coincidence that Burton is among the creators of the series Wednesday, focused on the figure of Wednesday Addams: Duke Duel offers us his reinterpretation of the character played by Jenna Ortega.

Alternative movie poster Catwoman (Profile) | Tim Burton | Tomasz Majewski | Soggettiva Gallery Milano



Via Pasquale Sottocorno 5/A, 20122 Milano

3357722437 – 3458463222



Opening hours:

from Tuesday to Friday 10 – 20.30
Saturday and Sunday 10-13.30 e 16-19.30

Foto alternative movie poster del film Alice nel paese delle meraviglie | Leszek Wisniewski | Tim Burton | Soggettiva Gallery Milano

Prima di passare al cinema, Chris ha lavorato come illustratore, esponendo spesso nelle rinomate gallerie d’arte della cultura pop di Los Angeles “Hero Complex Gallery” e “Gallery 1988”, producendo opere d’arte ufficiali per 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Joe Dante e Roger Corman. Successivamente ha lavorato come assistente del dipartimento artistico per clienti come Virgin Media, Now TV, Little Mix e Jamie T. Il suo primo cortometraggio “Nest” è stato semifinalista al “Berlin Student Film Festival”, dove è stato nominato per il Premio della Giuria. 

Before moving on to film, Chris worked as an illustrator, often exhibiting in the renowned Los Angeles pop culture art galleries “Hero Complex Gallery” and “Gallery 1988”, producing official artwork for 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Joe Dante and Roger Corman. He later worked as an assistant in the art department for clients such as Virgin Media, Now TV, Little Mix and Jamie T. His first short film “Nest” was a semifinalist at the “Berlin Student Film Festival”, where he was nominated for the Jury Prize.


Da ragazzo Steven era un fan dei fumetti. Ha iniziato prendendo lezioni di illustrazione del fumetto presso la Heron Art School di Indianapolis. Fu solo al college presso la School Of The Art Institute di Chicago che scoprì il suo amore per la serigrafia. Ha disegnato di tutto, dalla fan art, alle stampe dei film con licenza ufficiale, ai poster per i concerti.  Il suo lavoro è stato esposto in diverse mostre collettive dedicate a vari temi cinematografici.

As a boy Steven was a fan of comics. He started by taking comic illustration classes at the Heron Art School in Indianapolis. It was only in college at the School Of The Art Institute in Chicago that he discovered his love for screen printing. He’s drawn everything from fan art, to prints of officially licensed films, to concert posters. His work has been exhibited in several collective exhibitions dedicated to various film topics. 


Max Dalton, illustratore, pittore e musicista e scrittore occasionale. Crea spesso illustrazioni per poster, libri, riviste, giornali, pubblicità e prodotti.Ha partecipato a molte mostre collettive e personali a New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Arizona, Parigi, Seoul e altro ancora. Il suo lavoro è apparso in molte riviste come The New Yorker, Monocle e O, The Oprah Magazine.

Max Dalton is an illustrator, painter, musician and writer. He often designs for posters, books, magazines, newspapers, advertisements and products. He has participated in many group and solo shows in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Paris, Seoul and elsewhere. His work has appeared in magazines such as The New Yorker, Monocle and O, The Oprah Magazine.


Olivier Courbet è un creativo multidisciplinare francese con sede a Los Angeles, California. Lavora con marchi, agenzie, studi cinematografici e startup di tutto il mondo tra cui Dreamworks, Paramount, Disney, Mattel, Will.I.AM e NBA. Ha vinto numerosi premi e il suo lavoro è stato descritto in vari libri e pubblicazioni di design tra cui Computer Arts, Logology, SXSW.

Olivier Courbet is a multidisciplinary French creative artist based in Los Angeles, California. He works with brands, agencies, film studios and start-ups around the world including Dreamworks, Paramount, Disney, Mattel, Will.I.AM and NBA. He has won numerous awards and his work has been featured in various books and design publications including Computer Arts, Logology, SXSW.


Nan Lawson è un’artista e illustratrice con sede a Los Angeles. Si è laureata in regia cinematografica alla Syracuse University, ma dopo la laurea ha perseguito la sua passione per l’illustrazione. Ora ha unito il suo amore per il cinema e l’arte per dedicarsi alla cultura pop e alla locandina. Lavora nell’editoria e nell’industria dell’intrattenimento; crea libri illustrati e copertine di libri, oltre a opere d’arte e manifesti per film e televisione.

Ha lavorato con clienti tra cui Harper Collins, Audible, Random House, Hachette, Amblin Entertainment e Warner Bros.